Friday, October 5, 2007


"One of our Model 37 androids has malfunctioned, and the death of a human child may be involved. The local police department is investigating this matter, but has been unable to get a statement from the droid, as its vocal circuits and other functions are damaged.

We request that you extract any relevant memory files within the android. Due their limited capacities, Model 37 droids have active storage for memories of immediate use, and compress unrelated files in their banks. This particular android has chosen to compress all of its files, and refuses to release them.

Once you successfully isolate a memory, you will need to place a lock on it, so the droid cannot re-compress it. This will cause the machine pain, since it wishes to not recall these files. While the memories will be active constantly in its head, this is the only guaranteed method the authorities have to access these files for analysis.

I will now patch the Android’s IP address into your terminal…”

>>>Loading Manual Memory Access Program----------------

Thus begins the story of Zoƫ [pictured above] and Prototype #1. It will be playable this coming Monday, and polished for Wednesday's testing session. Check back soon!

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